The 15 centres managed by the Bilal Muslim Mission of Kenya are located in four Kenyan counties, namely Kwale, Mombasa, Makueni and Taita Taveta. The Jaffery centre at Mackinnon Road was established in 1974 and Ar-Ridha centre was most recently founded in 2001. All of our centres comprise vibrant mosques, pre-primary schools, a center-in-charge home and washroom facilities. On the weekends, madrassa classes are held for children aged up to 18 years old. The centres also serve as meeting points for women’s groups and for the holding of lectures and other classes during the week. The centres are vibrant places where community members seek education, spiritual upliftment, economic empowerment and social reform. Our construction and maintenance department keenly monitors and evaluates the facilities at the centres and we have recently embarked on several projects.