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Mimply dummy text printing.
Gardening Service
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Mimply dummy text printing.
Gardening Service
We are Providing Best
Loving is caring is what drives us towards community services
We partner with well wishers to provide to provide Iftar to Muslims in mosques
through out the month of Ramadha!
Masjid Iftar Program
We serve the community

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spsum dolor onsecte dipiscing.
Mimply dummy text printing.
Gardening Service
Mimply dummy text of the printing type setting
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spsum dolor onsecte dipiscing.
Mimply dummy text printing.
Gardening Service
We are Providing Best
Loving is caring is what drives us towards community services
We partner with well wishers to help
distribute food and other necessities to the common citizen all over!
Food Distribution Session
We serve the community

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spsum dolor onsecte dipiscing.
Mimply dummy text printing.
Gardening Service
Mimply dummy text of the printing type setting
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spsum dolor onsecte dipiscing.
Mimply dummy text printing.
Gardening Service
We are Providing Best
During the month of Ramadhan we congregate in masjid to adhere
to a strict and important program that brings us together as muslims.
Fasting is complete only when prayers and duas are done!
Ramadhan masjid session
We serve the community
Do you wish to make a plea to support the course?
The Obligation of Fasting
Al-Baqarah (2:183): "O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous."
This is a bustling season for the mission. Family food parcels provided to thousands of families in various regions of the country ensure that these homes have enough provisions to last the entire fasting month. There is exceptionally social and spiritual liveliness in the mosques at the centres we manage. In addition to the Laylatul Qadr nights, which are observed with the utmost reverence, programs are conducted daily and include Iftaar and Quran and Dua recitation. Integrating wider social concerns in our operations, we have also begun providing iftaar in prisons and secondary schools. Nightly Ramadhan lectures, Qur’anic commentary lessons, and classes on Islamic Law are streamed Daily on our digital media platforms making them accessible to a global audience.
What’s the Thing