Mimply dummy text of the printing type setting
area lead
spsum dolor onsecte dipiscing.
Mimply dummy text printing.
Gardening Service
Mimply dummy text of the printing type setting
area lead
spsum dolor onsecte dipiscing.
Mimply dummy text printing.
Gardening Service
We are Providing Best
Loving is caring is what drives us towards community services
We partner with well wishers to help young generation
to get technical/ handwork skills!
Tailoring School
We serve the community
Mimply dummy text of the printing type setting
area lead
spsum dolor onsecte dipiscing.
Mimply dummy text printing.
Gardening Service
Mimply dummy text of the printing type setting
area lead
spsum dolor onsecte dipiscing.
Mimply dummy text printing.
Gardening Service
We are Providing Best
Loving is caring is what drives us towards community services
We partner with well wishers to help young girls
to develop skill and earn a living!
Tailoring Classes
We serve the community
Mimply dummy text of the printing type setting
area lead
spsum dolor onsecte dipiscing.
Mimply dummy text printing.
Gardening Service
Mimply dummy text of the printing type setting
area lead
spsum dolor onsecte dipiscing.
Mimply dummy text printing.
Gardening Service
We are Providing Best
Loving is caring is what drives us towards community services
We partner with well wishers to help girls get employed
and earn a living!
Dress making
We serve the community
For inquiries about our vocational centers
Vocational Training
The mission offers tailoring courses as per the government syllabus to empower women in the villages. Currently, there are six centres with tailoring schools. These include Mwasafu, Mackinnon Road, Bahakanda, Moyeni, Mombasa Mtongwe and Samburu in Kwale.
What’s New Things